Saturday, November 1, 2008

Endorsement for President: Chuck Baldwin

Welcome back! Since it is only a few days away from the election I will provide my endorsements for President. Since my number one concern for our great country is the exploding mountain of United States debt I will first look to see how the two major party candidates voted on the $850 billion dollar bailout bill:

John McCain - Yes
Barack Obama - Yes

Since I stated in my first post that I would never vote for ANY (!) candidate that voted for this outrageous bill I will move on to the minor party candidates that might have a different view from these two big government candidates.

The four minor party candidates on enough ballots to win the presidential election are as follows: Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia McKinney, and Ralph Nader. I will eliminate both McKinney and Nader from consideration since they are both committed to greatly expanding government. Both Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin stand for smaller government and both were against the bailout bill. The past record of Bob Barr as a Congressman from Georgia does concern me as he was not completely faithful to standing for smaller government in the past.

So at this time I wholeheartedly endorse Chuck Baldwin for President of the United States. Chuck is committed to drastically reducing the scope of government as well as abolishing the Federal Reserve and will work to completely revamp the tax system of the United States. Chuck has also announced that Ron Paul would be his Secretary of the Treasury and Ron Paul has also enthusiastically endorsed Chuck Baldwin. I encourage all of you to vote for Chuck. His website is as follows:

I look forward to hearing from all of you soon.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Welcome to my new blog!

Hi there! Today I wanted to create a new blog to discuss the US Government debt as it spirals out of control with the ridiculous bailouts that our foolish government and the Fed continue to propagate. Our country will soon be faced with ruin unless we stand up and vote for people who will restore fiscal responsibility to our country. In the past 30 days the national debt of our country has increased $500 billion dollars!! This is an outrage! I plan to continue to comment on the latest news in regards to the debt and also engage in discussion with others who share my concerns. Here are a few links important to this discussion:

I look forward to the discussion on the US debt with all of you.